As of May 2021, Rural Producers will have to deliver the accessory obligation called EFD-REINF, under penalty of fines starting from R$ 20.00 and reaching 2% of the total taxes due in the month of accrual.
But, after all, what does EFD-REINF mean? The Digital Tax Bookkeeping of Withholdings and Other Tax Information (EFD-Reinf) is one of the modules of the Public Digital Bookkeeping System – SPED. Its purpose is to record income paid and withholding of Income Tax, Social Contribution of the taxpayer - except those related to work - and information on gross revenue for the calculation of social security contributions.
And how does this new obligation affect the individual Rural Producer? As of May, all information related to the Rural Social Security Contribution (Funrural), which is currently registered on eSocial, began to appear in the EFD-Reinf (Digital Tax Bookkeeping of Withholdings and Other Tax Information).
In this way, various information related to the rural activity must be informed by the Rural Producer through the delivery of the EFD-REINF. Among the main ones, the following stand out:
- Commercialization of production and calculation of the social security contribution replaced by agribusinesses and other rural producers legal entity;
- Services taken/provided upon assignment of labor or contract work, referring to the withholding of social security contribution;
- Withholding tax (IR, CSLL, COFINS, PIS/PASEP) levied on miscellaneous payments made to individuals and legal entities;
- Purchase of production from an individual rural producer or a special insured person for retail sale to an individual final consumer, to another individual rural producer or to a special insured person, even if the acquired rural production is exempt.
Failure to deliver the information required by EFD-REINF generates the imposition of fines, which will be calculated as follows: 2% per calendar month or fraction, levied on the amount of taxes reported in EFD-Reinf, even if fully paid, in the case failure to deliver the declaration or delivery after the deadline, limited to 20%; and R$ 20.00 for each group of 10 incorrect or omitted information. In view of this, individual rural producers must pay attention to compliance with tax legislation, delivering the statements required by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil in order not to attract the eyes of inspection, as well as not to be penalized with fines. In this sense, it is extremely important to have trained and up-to-date professionals who are able to deal with the new challenges involving digital accounting and its consequences, to avoid non-compliance with legislation and the consequent penalty.
Source: Wagner Arnold Fensterseifer.