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In times of a global pandemic, the fallacy that the State should indemnify the costs of the employment relationship
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, better known as coronavirus, as well as respecting Legislative Decree nº 6, of March 20, 2020, which declared a state of public calamity throughout the country, states and municipalities published measures to prevent crowd of people...
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The strength of the Judiciary in times of COVID-19
It is not intended to reject or minimize the pandemic scenario that we are enduring on a global scale, especially regarding social, legislative and economic uncertainties. After all, the decree of social isolation (indefinitely since it is not effectively known when the...
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How the employer must act to preserve the health of employees without violating rights
Em razão da extrema gravidade da situação que envolve a propagação do coronavírus e os riscos que esta espécie de gripe traz à saúde da população, o Governo Federal publicou, em caráter emergencial, a Lei 13.979/20, que “Dispõe sobre as medidas para enfrentamento da emergência de saÃ...
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Green and Yellow Employment Contract: waiting for the National Congress
Since the Federal Government published Provisional Measure 905, on November 12, 2019, much has been discussed about the changes produced in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) and due to the so-called Green and Yellow Labor Contract. It generated so many doubts with this new modality...
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Brief comments on the new Franchise Law
The new Franchise Law (Law 13,966/2019) comes into force on March 26, curiously, 26 years after the appearance of the first legal framework for this business niche, the extinct Law 8,955, enacted on December 15, 1994, in the light of the Itamar Franco government. Some of the mod...
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Judicial exclusion of the majority partner at the initiative of the majority of minority partners
The Brazilian legal system establishes that the acquisition of legal personality by companies takes place with the registration of their constitutive act in the respective registry. However, such a moment only externalizes the preexisting spirit of the partners to be together for the constitution of a s...
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The different forms of reorganization of business groups
The life cycle of organizations has been discussed for some time, and this cycle has been compared with living organisms that grow and die. Ichak Kalderon Adizes, a business consultant and student of organizational behavior, defined the stages of this life cycle in the following order: ...
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The legal validity of blockchain as a mechanism for reputable certification of documents
Without a doubt, the internet has revolutionized the way in which the national legal system responds to the technologies and tools available for the optimization of judicial processes and conflict resolution. A great example is the impact of blockchain technology – known...
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The new Abuse of Authority Act also threatens creditors
The year 2020 started with a potential setback. Since January 3, the new Abuse of Authority Law (Law 13,869/19) has come into force, which directly threatens the tool that allows the blocking of values in debtors' accounts through the Judiciary. From now on, block...
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Justice closes franchise stores for violation of non-compete clause
Such convictions will be even more frequent with the entry into force of the new Franchise Law, according to lawyers. Former franchisees have been convicted in court or in arbitration for violating non-compete clauses established in the contracts. Some decisions benefit networks such as ...
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