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Date: March 11, 2021
Posted by: CPDMA Team

New possibility of tax transaction - PGFN Ordinance No. 1,696

PGFN Ordinance No. 1,696 - New possibility for the regularization of unpaid taxes between March and December 2020 From March 1, 2021, taxpayers can carry out a tax transaction with the National Treasury Attorney's Office in order to settle overdue debts and not paid in the March period to December 2020. This is determined by Ordinance PGFN No. 1,696, published on February 11, 2021.

In this case of a tax transaction, the taxpayer must submit information within the PGFN trading system so that the taxable person's ability to pay can be calculated. The information requested is, in short: gross revenue and other information declared in the ECF and EFD-Contributions, information declared in the EFD-Reinf, amounts recorded in the incoming and outgoing NF-e, information from eSocial, PGDAS, DEFIS, GFIP, DCTF and DIRF, as well as current net income reported to the National Treasury Secretariat by States, Municipalities and DF.

Based on such information, and also considering the degree of recoverability of the tax credit to be transacted, the PGFN system will calculate the possibilities of applying discounts on fines and interest, as well as indicating an installment amount that it considers to be adequate. for that taxpayer's ability to pay. From there, the amount of installments for debt settlement will be calculated, which can be up to 72 months for legal entities and 133 months for individuals, except for social security debts that will maintain the constitutional limitation of 60 installments.

This is an important alternative to assist the tax regularization of companies that have failed to collect any federal tax between March and December 2020, especially for companies that have suffered a drop in revenue, as they may receive greater discounts on fines and interest at the moment. to carry out the transaction.

Source: Wagner Arnold Fensterseifer, attorney at Cesar Peres Dulac Müller, is a specialist in Tax Law and a Master in Philosophy of Law.


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