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Follow our selection of news related to legal and economic matters, as well as exclusive texts produced by the Cesar Peres Dulac Müller team. (Please note: blog entries are automatically translated via Google Translate API).
New possibility of taking PIS/COFINS credits: shopping center condominium
For companies that are subject to IRPJ and CSLL calculation under the Actual Income method, PIS and COFINS are collected on a non-cumulative basis. This means to say that the company will be able to take credits for certain expenses provided for by law with the objective of...
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The extension of the "stay period" in the judicial recovery after Law 14.112/20
Law 14,122 of December 24, 2020 produced a series of amendments to Law 11,101/05, including the possibility of extending the so-called “stay period” (deadline for suspension of claims against the debtor undergoing judicial reorganization). The rule is contained in art. 6, §4 and says the following: "...
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The practice of "sandbagging" in M&A contracts
According to a survey carried out by large auditing companies, involving the number of mergers and acquisitions or M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) transactions in Brazil, the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, consecutively, were extremely significant. For ...
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New possibility of tax transaction - PGFN Ordinance No. 1,696
PGFN Ordinance No. 1.696-New possibility for the regularization of unpaid taxes between March and December 2020 Since March 1, 2021, taxpayers can carry out a tax transaction with the National Treasury Attorney's Office in order to regularize overdue debts and have not paid them.
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Learn all about patents
What is a patent? Patent is a title of ownership over an invention (IP) or utility model (MU) granted by the State for a determined period of time to the inventor, author or right holder (individual or legal entity holding the right), which may prevent third parties from producing , u...
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Senate approves Legal Framework for Startups
Last Wednesday, February 24th, the Federal Senate unanimously approved the Legal Framework for Startups (Complementary Law Project No. 146/2019). Due to the changes promoted in the document, the text will return for discussion in the Chamber before being taken to the presidential sanction.
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Simples Nacional - January tax due date has been postponed to February
By means of Resolution nº 157 of the Management Committee of Simples Nacional, the deadline for payment of taxes within the scope of Simples Nacional, paid through the Documento de Arrecadação do Simples Nacional - DAS, was extended. The original maturity of the DAS, which comprises ICMS, ISS, IRPJ, C...
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Creditor's rights: contractual termination and suspension in the pandemic scenario
The pandemic scenario that devastated the end of 2019, the year 2020 and that still persists in 2021 brings numerous doubts because, in the face of events, several hirings were shaken, the default grew and the lack of clarity in the rules and jurisprudence established insecurity in...
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The definition of the STJ regarding the subjection of the credit in the judicial reorganization by the date of the taxable event
In one of the last judgments of 2020, the STJ confirmed the guidance that had been observed in its precedents: the date of the event triggering the obligation is the time frame for subjecting the credit to judicial reorganization (even if the settlement will occur at a later date)....
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STJ will judge limitation of the basis for calculating contributions to the S System
The Superior Court of Justice will judge the limitation of 20 minimum wages of the basis for calculating contributions to third parties (Sistema S, INCRA and Salario Educação). This is a discussion involving the limits on which the charges on the payroll of companies can apply.
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