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Learn all about patents
What is a patent? Patent is a title of ownership over an invention (IP) or utility model (MU) granted by the State for a determined period of time to the inventor, author or right holder (individual or legal entity holding the right), which may prevent third parties from producing , u...
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Simples Nacional - January tax due date has been postponed to February
By means of Resolution nº 157 of the Management Committee of Simples Nacional, the deadline for payment of taxes within the scope of Simples Nacional, paid through the Documento de Arrecadação do Simples Nacional - DAS, was extended. The original maturity of the DAS, which comprises ICMS, ISS, IRPJ, C...
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The Board of Trade of Rio Grande do Sul announced the suspension of charging fees for opening companies, for a period of 90 days
In partnership with the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the Board of Trade announced, last Friday (23), the suspension of charging fees for opening companies throughout the State, for a period of 90 days. The decision aims to stimulate entrepreneurship in RS, especially at this time.
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TST considers it lawful to inspect employees through cameras in collective places
For the First Panel of the Superior Labor Court, in a recent decision, monitoring in the work environment, without excesses such as the use of spy cameras or installation in spaces intended for rest or that may expose the privacy of employees, such as bathrooms or dress...
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Justice closes franchise stores for violation of non-compete clause
Such convictions will be even more frequent with the entry into force of the new Franchise Law, according to lawyers. Former franchisees have been convicted in court or in arbitration for violating non-compete clauses established in the contracts. Some decisions benefit networks such as ...
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ICMS for the industry of Santa Catarina will be 12% from Sunday
As of this Sunday (1st), the measure that reduces the rate of the Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) from 17% to 12% takes effect. The approval went along with the aftermath project, which reevaluated tax incentives. This reduction was an old agenda of the Federation of...
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Rural activity prior to registration can be contemplated in judicial recovery
The judgment of the special appeal was published this Monday (10/2) in which the 4th Panel of the Superior Court of Justice defined that debts incurred by a rural producer before his registration with the Board of Trade can be included in the judicial recovery. The law that governs the...
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Cases in Carf can generate loss of R$ 440 million for CVC
Administrative court discusses the tourism agency's business model and leaves the sector in the spotlight. Last week, the tourism market observed the defeat of the company CVC in the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (Carf) in a case of R$ 127.6 million, to be added to a fine and interest. THE ...
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Uncertainty about contumacious can harm partners after STF decision on ICMS
According to a December STF decision, non-payment of ICMS on a regular basis may constitute a crime. One of the most important – and worrying, in the opinion of tax experts – precedents signed in 2019 by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) may have consequences in 2020. Lawyers await the ...
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STJ prevents constriction of assets of rural producer who asks for judicial recovery
Considering the danger of delay, the president of the Superior Court of Justice, Minister João Otávio de Noronha, granted an injunction to suspend any constrictive and expropriation acts of assets of a rural producer seeking to apply the rules of the Judicial Recovery and Bankruptcy Law. .
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