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Follow our selection of news related to legal and economic matters, as well as exclusive texts produced by the Cesar Peres Dulac Müller team. (Please note: blog entries are automatically translated via Google Translate API).
The Brazilian taxpayer in the turbulent waters of the STF
The Italian poet Francesco Petrarca in the 14th century, paraphrasing Plutarch, said that “to sail is necessary, to live is not necessary”. Thought represents the conflicting coexistence between the precision of navigating and the imprecision of living. This conflict remains current, more alive than ever. With...
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How to register your trademark
In our previous publication, we explained the difference between business name, establishment title and brand, showing that, despite the similarity between these concepts, they are completely different. Today we are going to talk about how and who can register a trademark. Depending on knowledge...
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Sale of assets in the Judicial Reorganization
The crisis created by the new corona virus has made restructuring mechanisms increasingly prominent. In this context, Judicial Recovery tops the list of options as it is the most effective tool to circumvent the crisis, renegotiate debts and avoid company bankruptcy.
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The legal uncertainty of the business scenario and the decrees in the Covid-19 pandemic
It is undeniable that the pandemic caused by Covid-19 had a global reach, including beyond the field of health. In Porto Alegre it would be no different: to combat the proliferation of the virus, since March 2020, both the Federal, State and Municipal Governments have taken legal measures.
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It is possible to recover your company assets effectively with simple measures.
Keep each customer's record up to date with as much information as you can. Register your sales, especially with proof of delivery of the goods. Manage credit status with information such as “paid”, “pending” and “delayed...
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Do you know the difference between business name, establishment title and brand? And the importance of registering your brand?
Business name, called corporate name until 2002 (by the former Civil Code) is the firm or denomination used to carry out the company's activity. Usually it appears in the header of the invoice or invoice. The title of the establishment is also known as a trade name. It's the shape...
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Opinion on Decree 10.422/20 - Extension of deadlines for agreements on proportional reduction of working hours and salary and temporary contractual suspension
This newsletter provides clarification on the provisions of Decree 10.422/20 that regulated Law 14.020/20 (former MP 936/20), establishing deadlines for working hours reduction agreements and temporary contractual suspension. I. PROPORTIONAL REDUCTION OF DAY AND SALARY Article 7 of...
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Published rule that regulates the transaction of tax credits determined by the Simples Nacional regime
Given the wishes of micro and small businesses opting for the Unified Special Regime for Collection of Taxes and Contributions (Simples Nacional), Complementary Law nº 174/2020 was published on August 6th, which authorizes the extinction of medium tax credits ...
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INPI recognizes the term “Helles” as a beer style
In recent months, many companies in the beer market, especially micro-craft breweries, have been the target of several extrajudicial orders to refrain from using the expression “HELLES” – a style of light beer, traditional from the Bavarian region in Germany – under the argument of what a...
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The expiry of Provisional Measure 927/2020, which made agreements between companies and employees more flexible during the pandemic period
On Sunday, the 19/07/2020th, the expiration date of Provisional Measure 927/2020, which relaxed a series of labor rules, where companies could negotiate directly with their employees, without trade union intermediation during the coronavirus pandemic . Under the Constitution...
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