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Revenue publishes guidance on credit transfer
The transfer of tax credits in corporate reorganization processes will only be validated by the Federal Revenue Service in cases where it is demonstrated that there was a "business purpose". This information is in the 8014 Consultation Solution, recently issued by the Taxation Division...
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Reform of judicial recovery gets new text
Appointed by the president of the Chamber, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), to deal with the project to reform the Judicial Recovery and Bankruptcy Law (PL nº 10.220), deputy Hugo Leal (PSD-RJ) will present a proposal for amendment of the text that had been sent to Congress by the gov...
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Production of evidence is important in cases of unfair competition
In cases dealing with unfair competition, the production of evidence is important to clarify the facts. This is how the 2nd Chamber of Business Law of the Court of Justice of São Paulo understood when granting the appeal of a coaching company that accuses a former student of improper use of the...
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MP on economic freedom provides for issuance of debentures by limited companies
The most used type of company in the country, the limited liability company must undergo substantial changes with the vote on Provisional Measure nº 881/2019 (MP on Economic Freedom). The text approved by the mixed congressional committee authorizes the use of new instruments for the search for investors and re...
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Expenses with toll vouchers and tracking generate PIS and Cofins credits
Federal Revenue clarified doubts from companies about essentiality of inputs in two consultation solutions. Two consultation solutions, published by the Federal Revenue Service in early July, provide answers to carriers about services that may or may not generate PIS and Cofins credits. At...
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Company in recovery manages to release assets pledged by the tax authorities
A company undergoing judicial reorganization was able to release assets pledged by the National Treasury before the start of the reorganization process. The decision was handed down by the 4th Business Court of Rio de Janeiro and recently approved by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ). Decisions in this sense...
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Embarrassment to ICMS crediting in relation to the purchase of products from a persistent debtor taxpayer
The crediting, by the purchaser, in relation to the ICMS highlighted in the invoices for the purchase of goods from a taxpayer included in the special inspection regime, may be conditioned to the proof of tax collection. In summary, this was the understanding reached by the Second Tur...
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Brazilian brands will be more competitive abroad with Brazil joining the Madrid Protocol
The export sector celebrates, since May 22, Brazil's entry into the Madrid Protocol. The last battle for the approval of the Legislative Decree Project 860/17, whose objective was to internalize the provisions of the international treaty, took place in the Federal Senate, after a victory in the Chamber.
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Is it easy to legally charge a company undergoing judicial reorganization?
In the current crisis scenario, there is a substantial increase in companies seeking the protection established in the Judicial Recovery Law (Law 11.101/2005). Faced with this growing wave, there are not a few suppliers who question the risks of maintaining supply to companies in recovery. ...
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The role of the creditor in judicial reorganization proceedings
The meaning of a company's existence is to obtain profits at the lowest possible cost. This is a mantra that has echoed for a long time, a simple formula, but difficult to implement, since reality is not so “black and white”. Every entrepreneur who wants continuity in the market in...
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