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Tax credits in court-supervised reorganization, topic 987 of the STJ and PL 10,220/18
Undeniably, the possibility of filing a request for judicial recovery in Brazil, with the advent of the Law on Judicial and Extrajudicial Recovery and Bankruptcy - LREF. (Law 11.101/05), gave our society a new lease of life for the economic and financial rescue of companies that...
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Exposure on social networks: a bias towards debtor expropriation
Internet access is constantly growing around the world, a fact that is no longer news to anyone. According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in 2017, the number of users with internet access in Brazil already exceeded more than half of the population, which...
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Embarrassment to ICMS crediting in relation to the purchase of products from a persistent debtor taxpayer
The crediting, by the purchaser, in relation to the ICMS highlighted in the invoices for the purchase of goods from a taxpayer included in the special inspection regime, may be conditioned to the proof of tax collection. In summary, this was the understanding reached by the Second Tur...
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Brazilian brands will be more competitive abroad with Brazil joining the Madrid Protocol
The export sector celebrates, since May 22, Brazil's entry into the Madrid Protocol. The last battle for the approval of the Legislative Decree Project 860/17, whose objective was to internalize the provisions of the international treaty, took place in the Federal Senate, after a victory in the Chamber.
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Is it easy to legally charge a company undergoing judicial reorganization?
In the current crisis scenario, there is a substantial increase in companies seeking the protection established in the Judicial Recovery Law (Law 11.101/2005). Faced with this growing wave, there are not a few suppliers who question the risks of maintaining supply to companies in recovery. ...
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The role of the creditor in judicial reorganization proceedings
The meaning of a company's existence is to obtain profits at the lowest possible cost. This is a mantra that has echoed for a long time, a simple formula, but difficult to implement, since reality is not so “black and white”. Every entrepreneur who wants continuity in the market in...
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Labor compliance: more than a prevention
The volume of labor claims filed in 2018, across Brazil, dropped 34% compared to 2017, as a direct consequence of the Labor Reform (Law 13,467/2017). Between January and December 2018, the lower courts received 1.7 million labor claims, against 2.6 million...
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Law that makes quorum more flexible in limited liability companies can bring legal uncertainty
On January 4, 2019, Law 13,792/2019 was published in the Federal Official Gazette, which amended provisions of the Civil Code regarding limited liability companies. Among the changes, the legislator (i) reduced the quorum necessary for dismissal of a partner appointed as administrator in the ...
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Practical and legal notes for those who want to live in Portugal
In recent years, the interest of several Brazilian citizens in living and investing in Portugal has grown significantly. Whether for cultural and linguistic proximity, or for economic and professional reasons, the fact is that Portugal has become the destination of many Brazilian families...
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It is not enough just to register a trademark, it is necessary to use it
In January of this year, a fight between the North American giant McDonald's and the Irish restaurant chain Supermac's drew attention over the famous “BIG MAC” brand in Europe. It all started in 2015, with an attempt to expand the Irish network across the United Kingdom and the European Union. The net...
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