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Recovery plan with payment of labor claims in 60 months is illegal
The 1st Chamber of Business Law of the Court of Justice of São Paulo considered illegal a clause in the judicial reorganization plan of an IT company, which provided for the payment of labor creditors within 60 months, after a grace period of six months, counting from the final and unappealable decision. of the homologation...
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Revenue summons taxpayers who adhered to repatriation
Taxpayers who adhered to the Special Regime for Exchange and Tax Regularization (RERCT) - the repatriation program - and declared low values of assets they held abroad have been notified by the Federal Revenue Service. The agency suspects that these assets were undervalued to reduce...
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Companies have not yet adapted to the Data Law
One year after the General Data Protection Law (No. 13,709 of 2018) came into force, most companies have not yet adapted to the text. In a survey of about 250 medium and large companies, the Viseu Advogados office identified that 46% of them have not yet started the process and...
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Legal and company ombudsman work together to reduce lawsuits
If before the legal department and the ombudsman had strictly defined and inflexible roles within the companies, today they can go hand in hand. This is what an experiment carried out by the supplementary health company Amil shows, which brought the two sectors together to avoid litigation. The project came...
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TST keeps work validity intermittent
The Superior Labor Court (TST) released Magazine Luiza from a conviction for using intermittent work. It is the first decision of the ministers on the subject after the institution of this type of work by the Labor Reform Law (No 13,467, of 2017). In this mode, the worker...
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Revenue publishes guidance on credit transfer
The transfer of tax credits in corporate reorganization processes will only be validated by the Federal Revenue Service in cases where it is demonstrated that there was a "business purpose". This information is in the 8014 Consultation Solution, recently issued by the Taxation Division...
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Reform of judicial recovery gets new text
Appointed by the president of the Chamber, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), to deal with the project to reform the Judicial Recovery and Bankruptcy Law (PL nº 10.220), deputy Hugo Leal (PSD-RJ) will present a proposal for amendment of the text that had been sent to Congress by the gov...
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Production of evidence is important in cases of unfair competition
In cases dealing with unfair competition, the production of evidence is important to clarify the facts. This is how the 2nd Chamber of Business Law of the Court of Justice of São Paulo understood when granting the appeal of a coaching company that accuses a former student of improper use of the...
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MP on economic freedom provides for issuance of debentures by limited companies
The most used type of company in the country, the limited liability company must undergo substantial changes with the vote on Provisional Measure nº 881/2019 (MP on Economic Freedom). The text approved by the mixed congressional committee authorizes the use of new instruments for the search for investors and re...
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Expenses with toll vouchers and tracking generate PIS and Cofins credits
Federal Revenue clarified doubts from companies about essentiality of inputs in two consultation solutions. Two consultation solutions, published by the Federal Revenue Service in early July, provide answers to carriers about services that may or may not generate PIS and Cofins credits. At...
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